Fix Audio Renderer Error ‘Please Restart Your Computer’


A lot of users of Windows may have reported the error “Audio renderer error. Please restart your computer.” while playing the YouTube videos.

This error is not seen in any particular version of Windows but all versions of Windows having different web browsers like Opera, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Edge are also reported to have this issue.

While some of the users also reported that this error is visible while they are listening to music on iTines or on any other in-built audio player.

What is Causing The ‘Audio renderer error. Please restart your computer.’ RError in YouTube?

We have investigated this error by examining the various reports from different users and also examined the solutions which help them to fix the issue.

By going through all these investigations, we found that there are some causal reasons which can trigger this error. The reasons are listed below –

Audio driver glitch – This causal reason is found to be present in some models of the motherboard.

The users having this error are able to fix it temporarily by unplugging and then plugging back the earphones, restarting their device, or by disabling the audio driver for some time.

Confliction between ASIO driver and Windows Sound drivers – This error for sure appears in the situation when the user is using both drivers ie Windows Sound driver and the ASIO driver and both of them having different frequencies of sound.

In such cases, the issue can be fixed by synchronizing the frequencies of both drivers.

Bugged version of BIOSMostly on Dell computers, this error is reported when the bugged software update is installed.

Dell resolved the bug on its own and you just need to update the software with its latest version and it can fix the issue.

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How to Fix Audio Renderer Error ‘Please Restart Your Computer’? 

Sometimes when enjoying YouTube videos, you may have the error Fix Audio Renderer Error ‘Please Restart Your Computer’ and we are aware of it that solving the errors is not everyone’s cup of tea and it can disturb you.

But no need to worry as we have provided you the best and effective solutions which will surely help you to fix this error. So let’s try them one by one and fix the solution. Let’s get started.

Method 1: Unplug/Plug Headphones

I know this method may sound a little bit stupid to you but a lot of users having this issue are able to fix the issue by unplugging and plugging back the headphones.

Believe me, it is effective in many cases. You can perform this method even if you are using a jack headphone or USB.

So if you are having this error while playing a YouTube video you can just go through this simple method of unplugging and replugging headphones if they are connected can fix the issue in just seconds.

Note: Let me tell you this method will temporarily fix the issue and it is not a permanent solution. It can return back in some cases. If you want a permanent solution then you must try another one.

In case this method doesn’t fix the issue or you want a permanent solution then go for the next method given below.

Method 2: Restarting Your Computer

As the message with error suggests you to restart the computer, then you must try to Restart your computer to see if the error “Audio renderer error.

Please restart your computer.” is fixed by doing this. Although this method is temporary in many cases as similar to the first method.

Some affected users reported that after restarting the computer, the error is resolved just for some seconds or minutes and it again appears.

That’s why if the first method doesn’t work in your case, you can try this one to check if it works or not.

If you want a permanent solution to fix this error then move on and try our next solution mentioned below.

Method 3: Running the Audio Troubleshooter

The other solution which can help you to fix the issue “Audio renderer error. Please restart your computer.” is that you can try to run the built-in audio troubleshooter.

This utility has a collection of strategies to repair which can fix various common audio problems.

If Microsoft is aware of the common issue which causes the error then it will fix the entire issue. Go through the guide provided below to do so –

Step 1: Press a combination of keys Windows key + R to launch the Run dialog box then put the command “ms-settings:troubleshoot” and hit the Enter key in order to launch Troubleshooting tab from Settings app.

Step 2: From the troubleshooter tab, go down to find Get up and running then select option Playing Audio. Click the troubleshooter option to launch the utility.

Step 3: Keep patience until the utility analysis for the problems in the Audio device. In case it found any issue then it will recommend to you the strategy to repair it.

You will just have to follow the prompts provided on your screen then click on the Apply option and go through the recommendation provided to you.

Step 4: Restart the device for once to make the changes effective and check if the error is fixed by doing this. In case you are still having the issue “Audio renderer error. Please restart your computer.” then don’t worry move on to our next method given below.

Method 4: Disabling & Re-enabling the Audio Driver

Some of the users who had this issue were able to fix it by without the use of troubleshooting or without restarting their device.

You can also be able to get rid of this issue just by disabling all the audio adapters from the device manager and then enabling them again after a few seconds.

This error is like a go-to solution for many users who were affected with this issue “Audio renderer error.

Please restart your computer.” Follow the steps mentioned below in order to do so –

Step 1: Press the combination of keys Windows key + R in order to launch Run dialog box then put the command “devmgmt.msc” and hit the Enter key in order to Launch Device Manager.

Step 2: Now disable each and every audio adapter present there by clicking on the option Disable device.

Step 3: After every audio adapter including video, game controller and sound gets disabled then enable them again after a few seconds. Right click on them and choose Enable option to enable them.

Step 4: Go through the same action by which the error “Audio renderer error. Please restart your computer.” was triggered last time and then check if the issue is no more persisting.

If you are still having the issue then continue to the next method mentioned below.

Method 5: Rolling Back/uninstall the Audio driver

One of the other solutions that can fix the error “Audio renderer error. Please restart your computer.” in to roll back on your audio driver.

This method is useful to fix the issue in many cases if the software bug is the culprit of the error.

You can try to uninstall the audio driver which can lead to Windows to install the audio driver again an.

It can be helpful in fixing the issue and it can deal with some files which are corrupted. Follow the steps mentioned below in order to do so –

Step 1: Press the combination of keys Windows key + R in order to launch the Run dialog box. Now put the command “devmgmt.msc” and then hit the Enter key to launch Device Manager.

Step 2: Now expand the menu of game controllers, sound and video then double click on the audio adapter.

Step 3: Now from the properties of the audio adapter, move to the Driver and then select Roll Back Driver. In case it is not available then click on Uninstall device.

Step 4: Restart your device for once. When you uninstall the driver, it will be reinstalled with the latest and bug free version by Windows automatically. Now have a look at the issue “Audio renderer error. Please restart your computer.” is resolved this time.

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A lot of the users have reported the error “Audio renderer error. Please restart your computer.” while using Youtube on their computer having any of the versions of Windows or by using any Browser.

Some of them also see this error while playing audio music on iTunes or on any other applications.

It’s very irritating when you are enjoying your favorite music and suddenly this error hits the screen and stops the music.

Getting rid of this error is not that much easy for everyone and you may be looking for the perfect solution to fix this error.

That’s why we have provided you with this article with the most effective solutions to fix the error. Hope it will be helpful for you. Thanks for reading our article.